『きくち正太 あたりまえのぜひたく。 イラスト入りサイン本 初版 Autographed 繪簽名書』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でjitenshamamaから出品され、258の入札を集めて2025-02-23 15:46:00に、5220.00円で落札されました。即決価格は5220.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(jitenshamama)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
We will also exhibit for the paypay flea market. Since the flea market is a prompt decision we will not respond to the exhibit immediately after the first listing (because it is bad if there are other people who want it).Packing will be in a cushion envelope and an OPP bag to prevent it from getting wet in the rain.Shipping may take some time depending on the schedule.If you are in a hurry such as a gift please contact us from the comment column before bidding to see if you can make it in time.We apologize for the inconvenience but thank you for your understanding.The exhibited items were purchased as new publications at bookstores and events. After purchase it was stored in a bag and box.Some books are over 20 years old.I took pictures from all angles so that you can see the effects of agingAs mentioned above if you have any particular concerns please feel free to contact us in the comments.I will upload it to another place and take additional pictures.Also regarding packaging if you need something other than a cushion envelope and a bag to prevent it from getting wet in the rain please let me know.However please note that if the thickness limit of the shipping method is caught the shipping fee may increase.All signatures are handwritten. If it is printed or stamped instead of handwritten please be assured that it will be clearly stated.Recently machine translation has been developed so it is also very welcome to purchase directly from overseas without going through an agency.Also since I have never had a bad experience dealing with an overseas agent agents are also welcome so please do not hesitate to bid.If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.根据的大小,猫 POS 等最多可以送 2 或 3 本 3 厘米以下的。如果想添加拍像的地方,告我,因框架中有空。基本上,木瓜跳蚤市我不,但如果有人有惠券想用,我将 paypay 跳蚤市参展。由于跳蚤市是一个迅速的决定,我不会在首次上市后立即回展品(因如果有其他人想要它就很糟)。包装将装在冲信封和 OPP 袋中,以防被雨淋湿。送可能需要一些,具体取决于表。如果有急事,比如送礼物,在出价前在系我,看能否及拍到。于来的不便,我深表歉意,但感的理解。展出的物品在店和活中作新出版物。后,将其存放在袋子和盒子中。有些已超 20 年了。我从各个角度拍了照片,可以看到老化的效果,如上所述,如果有任何特的疑,随在中与我系。我会将它上到一个地方并拍更多照片。外,于包装,如果需要冲信封和袋子以外的西以防止它被雨淋湿,告我。但是,注意,如果方式的厚度限制被抓住,用可能会增加。所有名都是手写的。如果是打印或盖章而不是手写,放心,它会明明。最近了机器翻,所以也非常迎直接从海外,无需通代理。外,由于我从来没有与海外代理打交道的糟,所以也迎代理,所以不要犹豫出价。如果有任何,随与我系。Purchases from overseas are also welcome. If it is possible to send products from JapanWe ship to any country in the world.However there are countries where products cannot be sent from Japan due to war terrorism viruses etc.Please note that we cannot ship to those countries.I cannot speak a foreign language.Therefore if you purchase an exhibit we will communicate using Google Translate.However Yahoo Auctions cannot communicate using Korean Arabic Hindi Thai Russian etc.If you try to send a message in those languages the characters will be garbled.If you purchase from those countries we will send you a message in English.也迎从海外。 如果可以从日本寄出品,我送到世界上任何国家。但是,由于争、恐怖主、病毒等原因,有些国家无法从日本送品。注意,我无法向些国家/地区。我不会外。因此,如果展品,我将使用谷歌翻行交流。但是,Yahoo Auctions 无法使用、阿拉伯、印地、泰、俄等行交流。如果使用些言送消息,字符将会出乱。如果从些国家/地区,我会用英向送消息。Les achats l'tranger sont galement les bienvenus. S'il est possible d'envoyer des produits depuis le JaponNous expdions dans n'importe quel pays du monde.Cependant il existe des pays o les produits ne peuvent pas tre envoys depuis le Japon en raison de la guerre du terrorisme des virus etc.Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons pas expdier dans ces pays.Je ne peux pas parler une langue trangre.Par consquent si vous achetez une exposition nous communiquerons en utilisant Google Translate.Cependant Yahoo Auctions ne peut pas communiquer en utilisant le coren l'arabe l'hindi le tha le russe etc.Si vous essayez d'envoyer un message dans ces langues les caractres seront tronqus.Si vous achetez dans ces pays nous vous enverrons un message en anglais.Before bidding/purchasing please let us know your country name and desired shipping method from "Questions to seller" of the product you plan to purchase.The seller will calculate the shipping cost and reply.If you would like to purchase multiple items please let us know which items you plan to purchase.There are EMS SAL airmail + registered mail and airmail for shipping methods. We will ship using the Japanese post office.If you have any other preferred shipping method please let us know.In addition the shipping fee will be borne by the purchaser.在投/之前,在的品的“家的”中告我的国家名称和所需的方式。家将算并回。如果想多件商品,告我打算些商品。方式有EMS、SAL、航空件+挂号信、航空件。 我将使用日本局。如果有任何其他首的方式,告我。此外,将由者承担。...
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