『Steinberger GM - 7 T A トラスロッドなしの最終版にしてGM最上位機種 スタインバーガー pwycp026氏制作のストリングス・アダプター付 !』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)で野球パパ2893から出品され、80の入札を集めて2025-02-15 23:51:32に、139200.00円で落札されました。即決価格は139200.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(野球パパ2893)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
(2023年 10月 4日 0時 12分 追加)------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for viewing m(_ _)mThis is "Steinberger GM - 7 TA final version without truss rod and GM's top model with string adapter made by Steinberger MR.pwycp026".As a carbon graphite neck without a truss rod the serial number indicates that it was manufactured around 1992 during the Newberg manufacturing era.The controls are simple: Master Vol Master ToneWith the EMG89 + SA + 89 HSH P.U. layout you can get many sound variations by combining the 5-way switch and the single-humbucking switch.Of course it is equipped with the transformer trem tremolo bridge that is synonymous with Steinberger. You can tune up or down while maintaining the pitch just by operating the arm.Of course those of you who visit this site already know the details of these things.Regarding the condition of this deviceThere are some scratches in the center of the back that are reminiscent of a belt. There are no noticeable scratches on the body surface but the EMG pickup's humbucking area is peeled off around the "G" area and the gold letters on the center single pickup are all gone. There is also a shallow gouge on the rear pickup.More than 90% of the frets remain but there is no rubber band. comes with a brass string adapter made by pwycp026. Also the strap pin has been replaced with a Schaller type lock pin.However I don't have the loose cloth gig bag that comes with the original. We are planning to include a Steinberger ZT-3 gig bag instead but this is also listed as a single item so please note that if this item is bid on earlier the gig bag will not be included. There seem to be some replacement gig bags on the market.It is unlikely that a GM-7TA the top model of the GM series in good condition will ever come on the market at a lower price than this product.If you are a Steinberger freak please take this opportunity!For shipping within Japan please use courier service (EAZY) size 160. For orders outside of Japan there will be a separate charge for the actual cost.Please note that we are unable to provide any replacement products so please do not make any claims or returns. Also since this is a second-hand item please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous (it was once pointed out that there was hair in the box. We cannot respond to such a level).Thank you very much for your support....
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