『G&G電動ガン ARP9 流速 サマコバ STM9風 ノーマルスイッチ+ランサー タクティカル アルファ ストック レア』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)で君の介から出品され、102の入札を集めて2025-02-13 02:00:30に、18270.00円で落札されました。即決価格は18270.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(君の介)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
Thank you for visiting* * * Product details * * *This is a standard type electric gun customized based on ARP9. If I had made it in the style of STM9 that appears in Ta*koff I would have been able to make only a semi-automatic specification. The base of the electronic trigger was burnt so I removed it and replaced it with the ZC Leopard electric gun mechanical box ver2 QD microswitch specification front wiring. Therefore it does not have the functions that are normally found in the ARP9 but the response is excellent and there is no need to worry about electronic devices so maintenance and operation are overwhelmingly easy. The main body weighs only 2.7kg and the initial velocity is high at 84.43m/s at 0.2g for a 6mmBB bullet.Because it is a flow velocity specification it flies well when it is 0.25g or more. It can easily fly at a distance of 40-50m.The exterior is a carbon-like hand guard S&T aluminum outer barrel muffler foregrip NOVESKE type hider (no content to eliminate steps) Lancer Tactical Alpha stock. Original PSG-1 style m4 grip and DYTAC HK type stock. Including we have achieved the maximum "ergo" (www).Inside is ZC Leopard electric gun mechanical box ver2 QD micro switch specification Front wiring metal teeth polycarbonate piston Marui genuine barrel cut full cylinder aluminum cylinder head aluminum nozzle samakoba motor wiring processing. can. If you assemble it with the frame that is exhibited at the same time you can replace the spring while assembling it with the frame so it is even easier.Comes with 3 normal 60-round magazines 2 nemesis spring-loaded 120-round magazines and 1 multi-stage magazine.-> 1x 11.1v 1300mAh lipo battery-> 1 x 7.4v 2200mAh LiPo Battery (This battery is old and swollen but it still works and is not in danger of failure.)-> Scope High Rise Mount - 1x-> 1 x T1 Style Red Dot Sight There is a small scratch on the front (Photo 8) but there is no problem with function.* In the case of multiple successful bids the shipping fee may change depending on the shipping method so please wait for contact.*Combined shipping with other products for sale is possible.★In the exhibition all the items shown in the photograph are included and other accessories are not included.■ The contents of the exhibition are all those shown in the image.Thank you for your consideration.Please bid only if you are satisfied.Please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous because it is a used item.I need your help by a no claim and a no return.If you have any questions please ask a question.thank you...
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